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As long as your baby is safe”, the importance of a positive birth for mums and bubs

Updated: Sep 25, 2021

If you are currently pregnant or you have had babies in the past, there is a great chance you have heard other women say things like “it does not matter how the baby is born, as long as it’s safe”, or “they come out one way or another, at the end all that matters is that the baby is healthy”.

And of course, it’s true, we all want a healthy baby at the end.

But I talk from experience when I say, you never forget how you birthed your baby.

Let that sink in for a moment, because it is important. You only get to birth your baby once.

So it does make sense that we want to get it right. We want to feel save, empowered, nurtured, heard and understood when we birth. Because after all, we find ourselves in the nude, surrounded by people we often barely know, doing something we have never done before. Crazy! And of course, we want to “get it right”.

But current research shows that about one in three women in Australia experience birth trauma. Birth trauma does not mean that someone develops PTSD or or PND afterwards, but I would go that far that if you don’t leave the birthing suite or operating theatre with the thoughts, “this was beautiful, I feel happy and I would do it again any day”, something traumatic has happened that leaves you with a negative feeling afterwards.

Let’s focus on what we can do to not just “birth a baby safely”, but make this a positive, enjoyable, memorable moment for you and your birth partner.

The Positive Birth Program by Hypnobirthing Australia has been designed to teach you and your birthing partner self-hypnosis and relaxation techniques, acupressure, soft touch massage, as well as general childbirth education, anatomy and physiology of childbirth. The course is packed with resources and tools to make this one of the best days of your life. Whether you are planning a vaginal birth or a caesarean, our resources will help you to stay focused, relaxed, empowered and educated when the big day arrives. Maternal mental health has become more and more important in recent years, with a focus not only on post- natal mental health but also during pregnancy and labour. The course gives strategies and relaxation techniques, tools that will empower you and give you more options and choices when it comes to childbirth.

And if that is not reason enough latest research shows that babies that have been birthed in a calm environment, tend to sleep better and are more relaxed and less fussy after birth.

Don’t just birth your baby safely, do it like a queen.

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